As Ramadan approaches, an Alberta-built spirituality app designed for Muslims globally has launched.
Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world fast and try to improve themselves in character and practice. Tawhid App aims to provide a safe social space for Muslims to practice their faith without prejudice
Tawhid App is an adaptive platform for Muslims to stay motivated, learn, connect, and make an impact on charities, to become their ideal self. It also encourages users to form support circles with their family and friends and uplift one another.
With a global rise in Islamophobia, this app is a first-of-a-kind use of technology to empower Muslims globally united by faith and family.
To celebrate its launch, Tawhid App is partnering with local charities including Duhaa Foundation in Calgary and IslamicFamily Edmonton to empower Muslims to meet their goals.
Users pay a subscription fee but it is donated to a charity or cause of their choice upon completing the goals they set for themselves.
“There were so many barriers I faced as a Muslim navigating faith and the world around me. We live in a world where it is getting increasingly difficult to believe in anything or simply try to be a good person,” commented Tawhid App’s founder, Hasnain Baloach, on the launch.
“The newer generation not only has to face the stigma associated with practice but also can not connect due to a generational gap and lack of a circle of friends around them that supports them. We noticed especially with women that traditional Muslim learning outlets can be quite exclusive so we created something that fits the circumstances of anyone regardless of who they are.”
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