Thousands of dollars are on the line along with exposure to a global audience and technology investors for 30 companies that have made the final cut for the Inventures Startup Pitch Competition.
Inventures 2024 is finally here and a select group of companies have been identified as the finalists for this year’s pitch competition.
There are six competitions, each with a $10,000 prize and five finalists who will pitch live on stage. The six competitions mirror the program tracks of this year’s conference.
One competition track is the “Growing Up,” which covers all-important agri-tech innovation from farm to fork.
In this track the five finalists are CanDry Technologies, CleanBands, Blomso, Cattle Scan, and iClassifier. Below, a glance at the competitors.
CanDry Technologies
CanDry Technologies has harnessed the synergies of vacuum, microwave, and infrared technologies to develop a patented dehydration system.
The company claims that its patented low-temperature technology dehydration technology preserves nutrients and pigments faster than other drying methods, while also offering a smaller physical footprint and more scalability than traditional solutions.
Data from the US Center for Disease Control shows that restaurant staff wash their hands just one-third of the time they should. This matters: A lack of hand washing causes 90% of foodborne illnesses.
CleanBands has developed a wearable handwashing compliance system for public facing workers—making this simple but often neglected act “visible, trackable, and accountable.”
Optimize farming operations with fertilizer reduction technology from Blomso that promises to reduce operating costs and streamline soil management.
Blomso uses precision sensing technology integrated with AI analytics that it claims can help farmers save significant amounts of fertilizer at a return rate up to 10 times faster than traditional soil testing.
Cattle Scan
Cattle Scan is a rumen bolus program that identifies cows with illness early, providing an opportunity for timely intervention and faster recovery.
The tech-forward platform offers 24/7 monitoring and personalized alerts that lead to increased milk production, lower treatment costs, and optimized labour. This perpetual and intelligent tracking solution elevates overall herd health and allows farmers to more efficiently manage calf births, heat stress, and other impacts, according to the firm.
Edmonton’s iClassifier combines computer vision technology and proprietary algorithms to help farmers classify and assess livestock like never before.
iClassifier products combine advanced optical imaging and AI to monitor livestock health, enabling early disease detection and improving overall management, the company says, thus enhancing livestock welfare and agricultural productivity.
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